As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread in the United States, Fraser Advanced Information Systems wants to take a few minutes to let you know how we are planning and responding to the [...]
Heather Trone
Recent Posts
While employees at some companies have been working remotely for years, only about 5% of all workers are doing so completely from home. The number of employees who work remotely at least some of the [...]
Think about your home. You have locks on your doors to keep prowlers out. You may have an alarm system and cameras to alert the authorities and document anything that may happen if they get past [...]
Over the last several years, the number of large cybersecurity events in the news has grown exponentially. If you take a look at the website Information Is Beautiful, you can see graphically how data [...]
Safer Internet Day began in Europe in 2004 and is now observed in more than 100 countries across the globe. The Safer Internet Slogan, "Together for a Better Internet" invites everyone to "join the [...]
We all know all of the devices we use every day to perform tasks that involve sensitive data. We pay bills with our computers, tablets and cellphones. We transmit our credit card information across [...]
Businesses of every size face potential disasters every day that could bring them to the brink of destruction. For some, the disasters are natural - think hurricanes or earthquakes - but for others, [...]
Think of all the ways employees in your business communicate. There's telephone calls, text messages, instant messages, faxes, video conferencing and more. Unified communications is a a phone system [...]
Every day in offices across the world, there is a frustrated worker who is taking aim at the copier with their foot. Who hasn't wanted to re-enact the classic scene from Office Space (you'll thank us [...]